Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The alternative software

Hello my loyal followers....,

In Comp1900, we learnt that we don't have to use one software for a specific task, as alternative software capable of doing the same tasks might be available. In week 1 of the Comp1900 course, we learnt about the different operating systems like Vista, Macintosh and Linux.

Also, We looked at different word processing packages. Now a days, typing is one of the majority of tasks that is performed using a computer. Typing started with text editors that were able to create new text files in a limited way, there was no change of font or colour. Then we moved to word processing packages like Microsoft Word that is able to do so much more than just editing text, including checking the spelling and grammar in a document, and create documents using a template.
Alternatives to MS Word are Zoho, OpenOffice and Google Docs. Zoho is a package that includes spreadsheet and presentation, notebook, and chat. This package along with Google Docs also allows users to collborate documents, something that MS Word does not allow. OpenOffice is very similar to MSword but has the floating toolbar which enables the user without to not have to resort to multiple trips to a menu structure. some of these packages like google docs require an internet connection, whereas some like MS Word and OpenOffice do not. When different applications are used, the issues of compatibility, exporting arise.

We learnt this information in week 4 of the COMP1900 course.


1 comment:

Sina Soltanimoghaddam said...

I would add this to week 4 of the course.